Regina Carmelului,
Snagov, Romania

The facade is reminiscent of “Muntenia,” the style of churches in this region; the nave is reminiscent of the wooden buildings of worship in Transylvania; and the apse is reminiscent of the Moldavian style. The shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Snagov, north of Bucharest, represents a harmonious synthesis of the finest religious architecture in the region, enriched by some significant elements with which sacred space is conceived in Italian architecture: from the width of the nave to the presence of arches and vaults, to the semicircular plan of the apse.

It was designed by an international team, in which the technical staff of Moretti Modular Contractor was immediately involved, which then handled the construction of the entire building, in which the use of wood as a natural material prevails to decorate the roof structure, porches and balconies.

The skeleton of the load-bearing building consists of three-hinged arches made of glulam, which also supports the hanging gallery that runs along both sides of the building. The nave is connected at both ends by a series of pitches that are also visible in silhouette on the outside. At the entrance to the church, the weave of the structure is concealed by a slatted wooden wall at the back, where the apse finds its place and where the roof arch recreates the niche space that accommodates the altar. Acting as a counterpoint to the wood and metal structure are the white vaults, white panels molded from fiberglass and assembled on site, with the aim of diffusing the lights built into the structure and breaking down sound waves. All glulam, metal parts and roof panels are prefabricated in Italy at the factory and then transported and assembled on site, so as to ensure rapid execution and assembly.

Project: arch. Tudor Radulescu, arch. Andrei Stefancic, ing. Giuseppe Sacchetti

"Moretti Modular Contractor is a company with good technical skills: it knows how to develop projects with mixed materials and can find solutions to even the most complex design requirements."


Design and fabrication of wooden structure and factory-integrated metal structure. Fiberglass vaults.

Involvement from the design stage in the international work team.

11,000 kg the weight of the steel elements used

1 month the time taken for assembly: all glulam, metal parts, and roof panels were prefabricated in the factory in Italy

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