Asset Classes

For over 50 years, Moretti has been constructing responsibly, honouring man, his land and the passing time. Every project, from wineries, industrial and office buildings to social and sports facilities are designed to meet the principles of solidity, functionality and beauty.

Specialist know-how that encompasses several areas of construction.

From wineries to buildings for logistics, the service sector and public sector, to industrial centres and large commercial infrastructures such as shopping centres and showrooms.

Each challenge and each project has helped to enrich and develop our diversified, yet highly specialist, know-how.

Moretti always provides high-performance, rational and state-of-the-art solutions.

Sistemi impalcati piani
Tegolo ad omega rovescia
Tegolo mononervato a intradosso pieno
Tegolo binervato TT
Solaio a lastra
Sistemi doppia pendenza
Doppia pendenza con tegolo ad omega rovescia
Doppia pendenza con tegolo binervato
Doppia pendenza con solaio a lastra
Sistema tegolo alare
Tegolo alare (filante)
Sistema deltaplano
Tegolo doppia pendenza con intradosso pieno
Sistema bacacier
Arcareccio su trave principale

Wine cellars, wine storage and processing facilities

Shopping centres, showrooms

Production centres, industrial sheds

Schools, public administration, health centres

Office and administrative buildings

Goods storage warehouses, logistics sheds