Franchini Acciai, Mairano, Brescia, Italia - Moretti Modular Contractor

Franchini Acciai,
Mairano, Brescia, Italy

In just 18 months, thanks to the synergistic collaboration with the technical management of the property and coordination with other players on the site, Moretti, acting as General Contractor, completed the major expansion of the Franchini Acciai headquarters. The project, from the ground up to turnkey, spanned over 29,000 m2, divided into four large industrial structures for steel processing. The need for large open spaces both on the floor and in height for the layout of the production facilities was coupled with the requirement to accommodate powerful overhead cranes (150 + 50 t) for the handling of raw materials and semi-finished products.

Therefore, the warehouses are designed as large single- and double-bay hangars, with spans of 25 m and heights up to 24 m. The intervention, which is characterized by compliance with the latest anti-seismic regulations and high acoustic insulation, was completed with the construction of plant rooms to serve the hangars.

A feature of the intervention is the paneling that constitutes the infill of the buildings. To ensure lightness and seismic behavior, as well as due to the width of the distance between the pillars (the structural mesh is 10×29 m), special shoring with a steel frame (inter-pillar girders and purlins) was created, which hosts panels certified for fire resistance, high sound absorption (29dB), and heat absorption. The roof, made of sheet metal, is laid on “Dallone” tiles insulated with mineral wool. Of the four complexes, Lot 2 with a bi-span of 29 m and 25 m required the construction of a central pillar of almost 60 t and a length of 21.5 m, to support a structure with such large heights and spans. The pillar was mounted using a 2000 t crane.

Project: geom. Elio Gregorio

"Moretti Modular Contractor is a company with strong technical skills: it knows how to develop projects with mixed materials and can find solutions even to the most complex design requests."


High load-bearing structures and large spans (25 m) with heights up to 24 m. Infill system with sound-absorbing and fire-resistant panels, quick to install and meeting anti-seismic requirements.

Integral management of the construction site and relations with the client and other companies present.

593 quintals

the weight of the central pillar of Lot 2

28.760 m2

the area of the intervention, which spans 4 lots

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