Lo Scalone, Milano, Italia, Moretti Modular Contractor

Lo Scalone,
Milan, Italy

An imposing wooden staircase to connect the Cortile d’Onore with the West Loggiato of the Ca’ Granda cloister, highlighting its extraordinary proportions. This is the installation created by Moretti Modular Contractor, designed by Michele De Lucchi, for Ferragamo Parfums at the Interni Material Immaterial 2017 exhibition. The functional concreteness and materiality of the reclaimed wood of the new staircase have been juxtaposed with the immateriality of the classical rules of historical architecture, which seek to define the concepts of harmony and beauty and find a grandiose expression in the magnificence of the courtyard of the current seat of the University of Milan.

Moretti Modular Contractor also handled the executive design of the project, which includes a walkway stage and functions as both seating steps and a space for socializing and reflection.

Moretti Modular Contractor developed Michele De Lucchi’s design from an executive point of view and manufactured the work, which is 8 m wide and 7.5 m high from the ground. The load-bearing structure of Lo Scalone consists of five sections, assembled and mounted together on site. At the foot are four plinths made of TX Millenium. The wood used to build Lo Scalone represents salvaged material and will in turn be reused to build the structure of new tasting rooms at the Bellavista winery.

Project: arch. Michele De Lucchi

"Creating a project today for Ca' Granda means contrasting one's design belief with the great design belief of the Renaissance. I wanted to use a material that was recyclable, and with Moretti, the understanding was excellent."

Michele De Lucchi, Architect


Michele De Lucchi


Architect Michele De Lucchi was born in Ferrara in 1951 and studied architecture in Florence. His most significant body of work involves designing interiors for offices, public spaces, and residential areas. His vision for the work environment combines aesthetics and functionality to create avant-garde spaces that are livable and human

Executive development of Michele De Lucchi’s design.

Realization of the designer’s dream: a structure made of reclaimed material that takes on new life once its temporary function is exhausted.


nights spent assembling the installation.


post-event reuse of the elements used for construction.

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