The strictest European and international standards have always governed Moretti’s ethical approach and commitment, guaranteeing safety, quality and compliance with environmental regulations.
Every phase of the construction process is monitored and guaranteed, with a view to the continuous pursuit of sustainability and innovation.
Moretti Spa is committed to ensuring that the objectives contained in the Integrated Policy for Quality and Safety at Work are clearly understood, up-to-date and supported at all company levels, in such a way that the efforts of all personnel be directed towards the careful management of issues related to the quality of products and services, always operating with a view to safeguarding the health and safety of workers.
UNI EN ISO 9001 was the first standard to disseminate quality systems in Italy and the world; a certification scheme that aims to make quality a value perceived by the customers of a company, so that it constitutes an element of added value for more conscious and better management of company processes and in order to optimise performance through more efficient production processes.
(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method for buildings) is the world's leading sustainability assessment method for projects, infrastructures and buildings. The BREEAM assessment procedure evaluates the purchase, design, construction and operation of an building against objectives based on performance parameters. This includes multiple factors: management, water, well-being, materials, energy, waste, transport, land use, innovation and pollution. Moretti Modular Contractor built the first shopping centre in Italy to be certified 'Very Good' by BREEAM, in Nave de Vero.
The 2018 UNI ISO 45001 standard 'Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use' is the first international standard to define the minimum standards of good practice for the protection of workers worldwide. It establishes a framework for improving safety, reducing occupational hazards and improving the health and well-being of workers, thus improving the health and safety performance of any organisation that chooses to certify its management system under this accreditation.
(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the most widely used protocol for the independent assessment of building sustainability. It adopts a holistic view of building sustainability that encompasses the entire process (from design to construction and occupancy) and every part of the building. Moretti Modular Contractor has designed and constructed LEED-certified buildings such as 'Il Centro Arese' in the province of Milan and the Nursery school in Bagnolo Mella in the province of Brescia.
CE marking, which is mandatory for all products for which there is an EU directive, is achieved by the manufacturer of a product regulated in the European Union: through the declaration of conformity or performance for construction products, it certifies that the product complies with the safety requirements laid down in the applicable EU directives or regulations.
SOA certification is a qualification certificate for participation in tenders for the execution of public works contracts. This certification qualifies the company to participate in public tenders for categories of works and amount classes commensurate with the capabilities and experience the company has demonstrated to the Certification Body. Moretti Modular Contractor holds the SOA certificate for the following categories and classes:
- Category OG1 class VIII
- Category OS6 class II
- Category OS13 class VIII
- Category OS32 class VII
FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) is a certification scheme that guarantees for consumers that the product is made from material sourced from forests managed properly from an environmental, social and economic point of view.
Moretti Modular Contractor uses timber from responsibly managed forests with FSC® certification.
Search our FSC® certified products.
PEFC™ is the Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes. Moretti Modular Contractor uses timber from responsibly managed forests with PEFC™ certification.
Organization with CFP Systematic Approach certified by Bureau Veritas Italia Spa in compliance with ISO 14067:2018
EPD certifications for concrete products.
EPD certification for glued laminated timber (GLULAM).
Energy characteristics of prefabricated concrete panels, Erbusco and Balocco plant.
View our certificates of conformity of factory production control at the Erbusco and Balocco plants for the CE marking of products
Read our certificate of declaration of the activity of working with structural timber elements
Moretti Modular Contractor has received several awards for its innovative system of prefabricated house design and construction (MORE). In 2015, the MORE system was awarded the ADI Design prize for innovation in materials, processes, technologies, changing individual and social behaviour, criticique and applied research. Also in 2015, Moretti-MORE won first prize in the architectural systems category at the Klimahouse trade fair. One of the finalists for the Compasso d'Oro in 2016, in the same year we won the National Innovation Award, presented at the Quirinale by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.