Moretti Modular Contractor is the ideal partner for architects and design studios in the construction of large prefabricated buildings

Moretti supports and optimises every phase in the design and construction of a large building, working alongside architects and design studios.

Moretti implements the best technical and construction resources as well as over fifty years’ experience in the prefabricated building sector for successful partnerships with architects and design studios.

In full alignment with value engineering processes, Moretti works in synergy with architects and design studios to optimise processes and maximise the value of each project. This approach reaches innovative, customised and sustainable solutions that set new standards in the construction industry. Moretti’s design department combines the use of the most advanced technologies (BIM) with the exceptional wealth of knowledge of its team of 20 engineers, each with specialist skills and experience in international collaborations.

Partnerships with illustrious figures in modern architecture has led to excellent results, with the completion of visionary and iconic projects of very complex architecture, thanks also to Moretti’s ability — almost unique in the industrialised building sector — to produce concrete and timber elements in its own factories, incorporating them in multi-material solutions combined with stone, glass and steel.


Costs and time

Moretti’s support and consultancy help optimise all stages of design, coordinating the various figures and stakeholders involved, in order to guarantee and plan with cost and time certainty.

Collaboration and co-design

The open and continuous dialogue and collaboration with everyone involved is reflected in innovative and highly customised solutions that meet even the most specific demands of every project.

Modularity of service

Adaptable and customisable to specific needs. Modular Contractor’s service provides architects and design studios with support throughout the whole process of designin and constructing a building or only in certain phases, according to need.

Integrated materials

Concrete and glulam, incorporated into multi-material systems that include steel, glass and stone, offer complete and flexible solutions that can be adapted to any application.

Projects over the last 5 years


Industrial buildings




Commercial buildings


Public buildings


Service sector


Logistics centres

More than 3,200 industrial buildings, 420 wineries, 710 office buildings and hotels, 1,100 public buildings, 1,700 commercial buildings and more than 130 logistics centres, for a total of 7,260 buildings. Moretti’s multi-sector expertise can be seen in its wide variety of completed projects.


From the use of certified raw materials to the adoption of systems and procedures that guarantee the quality of a building and the safety of its builders, the use of processes designed to minimise the environmental impact of a building, during the construction phase and throughout its lifespan. 

The strictest European and international standards have always governed Moretti’s ethical approach and commitment, guaranteeing safety, quality and compliance with environmental regulations. Every phase of the construction process is monitored and guaranteed, with a view to the continuous pursuit of sustainability and innovation.


Moretti is a strategic ally for architects and design studios, capable of transforming any architectural vision into an extraordinary prefabricated construction, researching and proposing the best technical and construction solutions.

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