Alessandria, Italy

Stabilimento e Sede - Bulgari, Alessandria, Italia - Moretti Modular Contractor

The building is spread over three levels, with a 600 m2 courtyard in the centre that guarantees a high level of natural light. The building is entirely enclosed by a metal skin, with a spacing of about 6 m. Moretti Modular Contractor collaborated in the construction of the building housing the Bulgari factory, supplying and […]

Castenedolo, Brescia, Italy

Vista Aerea Facciata - Ambrosi, Castenedolo, Brescia, Italia - Moretti Modular Contractor

The exterior of the factory was renovated using 94 modular panels measuring 2.45×12.30 m. This amounts to approximately 2,800 m2 of original and stylish improvement to the image of this company — one of Italy’s leading dairy producers. The white cladding is achieved through the application of a special photocatalytic paint, which improves the sustainability […]

Diamant Holding,
Bonferraro Di Sorgà, Verona, Italy

Diamant Holding, Bonferraro Di Sorgà, Verona, Italia - Moretti Modular Contractor

Moretti Modular Contractor was responsible for the design and construction of the prefabricated structures of the building, which covers approximately 8,000 m2 (80 x 100 m) and is divided into four spans. The relevant work was completed in just 3 months. The building is structured into four spans: the first and last have a span […]